Monday, 23 November 2015

The Fae and their Return in the from of The Pleiadians.
Free linkage to my radio show on the # Fae and other ET - with Douglas Dietrich and Miles Johnson.

Are the Faeries real - the Tuatha De Danaan who were the Pleiadi

ens?    I discuss the genius artist  Brian Froud and his work creating portals for the Fae and other ET using sacred geometry.

I interview scholar Steve Gregg on 'Does God say it's OK to be GAY and how to avoid being hurt by SPITE.
Above is free link to my radio show today - my brilliant guest on Revolution Radio on was Steve Gregg, author/freelance writer, Bible teacher, and talk-show host. We talked about 'Does God agree with gay? 'Every one is gay we just don't act on it' 'How to not take offence when called names or insulted' 'Is it ok to label a child a bastard? 'Is marriage for real or is it fake and a 'promise' more lasting and realler.' We also discuss burning in Hell.
Gregg's online ministries website is available at:
His books are available on Amazon at:

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Isis Unmasked. Plans to destroy the European Race by attacks in London and Paris.

ISIS special.  CJ talks to Douglas Dietrich unmasking the men behind the masks who attacked Paris.  The roots of Satanism in the military are looked at extensively with Douglas Dietrich and Christine Joanna Hart. From the motivations of the military for using the “super-science” of black magic, to the inception of dark arts in modern society in the military struggles of empires, Dietrich expounds on what lay behind the Paris Bombings.  Dietrich was a Research Librarian for the Department of Defense at El Presidio Real de San Francisco Military Base. There, along with his primary duty of document destruction, he was assigned to locate and access incredibly rare occult grimoires for the officially recognized Satanic Chaplain of the United States Army, Lieutenant Colonel Michael A. Aquino.>

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Fritz Springmeier Joins Me To Talk Prince Charles, Monarch Mind Control and MI6.

Ex News of The World investigative reporter and Sunday Times best-selling author (Hodder & Random House)  Christine Joanna Hart, author of 'How Nick Davies Hired Me To Spy on my Former Colleagues at The News of The World' interviews Fritz Sprimgmeir who writes of Hart

This is a great radio show that I did with Christine Joanna Hart, an investigative reporter out of the London, UK. The show was on Friday, from 3 a.m. to 5 a.m. PST…11 a.m. in London.  Christine is no stranger to the kinds of things I expose…she was raised in a Jesuit orphanage and had a nun as her handler. She worked for M16 against the Real IRA as a spy using honey trap methods and was instrumental in destroying the News of The World by bringing in MI6 agencies into Fleet Street to close down the press freedom to investigate corruption. Chris has recently been figuring out the pieces to her life & assembling them. She wanted to do a show on evil, esp. its mind control & Satanism. We get into these subjects & more - EXPOSING M16, THE CATHOLIC PARTICIPATION IN T.B.M.C. & WHAT IS GOING ON IN SCHOOLS.  Christine Hart (author of In For the Kill) discusses how she went into the commercial arm of MI6 at 19 yrs. of age typified by agencies such as KCS, Hakluyt and Kroll. She then spied for them on the Real IRA sleeping with thier leader to get information to put him away.  I discuss how spies are made and how orphans make the best spies through the Monarch Programs in Jesuit run orphanages like Crusade of Rescue who bought her up in the form of Bishop Phillip Harvey who was her stand in father. We discuss her experience with mind control expert Colonel Michael Aquino and the nun Sister Kathleen Hart of The Daughter of St Paul Order who was one of her handlers and her aunt by her adoptive family.  Her aunt got instructions from the Vatican.   We ended the show speaking about what is going on in the public schools. Her son who was attending public school in the U.K. was given the compulsory assignment to read some of Darren Shan’s occult vampire series of books (published by HarperCollins), which include: Tunnel of Blood, King Demon, Ocean of Death, and Lord of the Shadows, & others. They basically teach that you should give your life to Satan, where you can get special powers. In response, I discussed how here in Portland they had replaced Christmas programs with a program that celebrated the return of Lucifer.  For those who follow my works you will not want to miss this show and the previos one I did with Ms Hart.  Fritz Springmeier. Oregon 2015.>

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

My Xmas Party Rap with Peter Moon, Super Soldier Max Spiers and Douglas Dietrich as we discuss Montauk and Monarch..

Ex News of The World investigative reporter and Sunday Times best-selling author (Hodder & Random House)  Christine Joanna Hart, author of 'How Nick Davies Hired Me To Spy on my Former Colleagues at The News of The World' interviews Montauk expert Peter Moon and Douglas Dietrich who worked in the US military in Vietnam along with Colonel Micheal Aquinos.  They are joined by supersoldier Max Spiers and have a group chat about the nature of resident evil and the occult in State control of the people.     

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Fritz Springmeier and Christine Joanna Hart Discuss Monarch Mind Control.

Here is a free link to yesterday's show with # Fritz Artz Springmeier - it hopefully will be mounted properly with art by Douglas Duane Dietrich as soon as he is able. I have requested a priest stealing a baby as the chat with Fritz made me realise that this was the story of my life. Snce I hogged Fritz a little he is back soon to talk about his brilliant books. <>

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Shaminsim - Using inner and upper worlds for Soul Retreival and Deprogramming.>

Nathan Llewpas joins me to talk about deprogramming from Monarch Mind Control,
Shaminism and Inner Worlds - Upper and Lower levels.    My website is helpful resource.  

Occult influences via compulsory literature in schools and Murder by demonics.


Hopefully both links to the same radio show which discuss occult influences in our schools and a cold case of Damien Echolls who as a school boy was taken over by influences and killed three 8 year olds.
Queen of Hart - show dated 26th October.  Monday.  2015.

Monday, 14 September 2015

UFOs seen over West London.

I was laying in bed and could not sleep it was about 2am. My bedroom window faces out the back garden. I assumed it was maybe a bright moon and the cloud had formed in such a way as it made patches of light. I lay there staring at it as it was so beautiful. Then suddenly - the five or so lights went down in the sky all at once - it was in such a way I knew it wasnt nature. Almost like military red arrows or something. I also considered was it someone trying out a very powerful light show. I got out of bed to try to investigate in my back garden taking my mobile. I assumed when I got out there it would be gone as is the way. Far from that - above the house there were more. The ones to the right were static and those right overhead were going almost in a cirlce but up and down and there were more. It was so awesome. I filmed it. I posted on facebook. This morning I woke to a pal saying they could not see the video. I thought well maybe short sighted. I gave mobile to my son and told him I nearly woke him up to see it. He was upstairs and could hear him laughing he said Mum theres nothing on it. I checked and on my two vidoes that I replayed last night up in bed after filming them - it is totally blank except for my voice. Not even the twlight shot of my back garden which was there. I dont know what Im more freaked out about - the lights or the fact that they are missing. I want to report it - anyone know where? Erica what do you think they are. There were about 20 more - the vid was so good. Wish Id just stuck to photos now. Interesting coincidence I am meeting Dr Steven Greer on Wednesday, one of his rare visits to London. The way they were moving - was fascinating. I have alwasy thought people who saw UFOs were insane. And they are not saucer shaped - but they are so interesting.

Thursday, 20 August 2015

Too Many Queen Bees in the MK Ultra Circuit.

An American new ager - called bizarelly # Solaris BLUE Raven - has posted this rant on me on her You Tube channel - shockingly calling me many times over - a cee you next Tuesday and a dirty little whore.  Douglas Dietrich is called an arsehole. My book is called I Am a Remote. According to her its too near to hers - EYE OF THE REMOTE which is about - God knows what - then she calls me a SILLY LITTLE SCUMMY WHORE. She goes on - 'its a copy of my book' - er NOPE mine is about Colonel Michael Aquino, Douglas Dietrich, M K Ulra, Mind Control, News of The World. MILABS, Military abductions, Super Soldiers, remote viewing, black ops - her seems to be NEW AGE. - but there is no excuse for the c word.
My Book -

Here is her book cover below and absurd c word rant.

Copy cat authors plagiarism addressed at those who copy my book series.

Saturday, 15 August 2015

Phone Hacking and the Man who got clean away with it - even though he also worked for The Sunday Mirror. .

I woke today and felt as if my body was battered by men ...then realised I wake this way each day....almost as if after a car crash. I think men can only batter me physically .....but realise I am battered by men in other ways. I thought of John Boyall the man who took me down financially. Even though he had millions, he met me for lunch as a freind saw I was living in a good area even though in a studio and knowing I had been poor for all my life and being a multi millionaire who lives in an estate with a wine cellar - STILL sniffed out what I had got and conned me out of it. Therein started the phone hacking as he took me out as an investigator out of Fleet Street and put in cybe crime and hacking. But John got clean away. He sat on edge of my bed after sex and asked me for my mobile phone number to hack it - even though he had my land line to hack me and he floored me - the next day the 100k a year business I had worked my balls off of - 24-7 - just wasn't there - the News of The World GONE - The Sunday Mirror - GONE. The idiotic press had bought his stinking wares of crime (no longer needed my old ways) and shot themselves in the foot - but when caught # John Boyall evaded blame completely. They merely caught his wee office boy Mulcaire he had trained up and paid 20k qwho they stole and used to hack royals. John even still peddles his wares as the cops couldn't touch him either. I remembered a dinner we had In Croydon and how he said he was divorcing his wife - I saw that even then he was blagging me to try to find out what I had to pilfer it.

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Mind Control - MK Ultra and Monarch.

News Feed

“I AM A REMOTE.: BASED ON A TRUE STORY OF MONARCH MK ULTRA MIND CONTROL (Th MK ULTRA Series. Book 1 [Kindle Edition]),” By THE AUTHORESS C HART @ <…/B…/ref=cm_sw_r_fa_awdo_ipuYvb1JG1CJP>
Based on a Trᵫ Story – The Diary of a Girl born in an Orphanage in London who has undergone Experimental, M K ULTRA, MONARCH Mind Control – and Herein Free Linkage to File-Sharing Copy via Box from Last Saturday’s 072515 (July 25th, 2015) Transmission of REVOLUTION RADIO HOST DOUG DIETRICH’s “SATURDAY NIGHT FIRING LINES” on MP3 Music File / MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group) Layer-3 Audio (Audiofile Format / Extension); wherein The Authoress and MK-Ultra Survivor CJ HART Graciously Gᵫsts with The Most Dangerous Man Either Side of The Pacific as he continᵫs to lead us on Expeditionary Forays into the Covert side of Our World as you once thought we knew it @ <> !
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$9.99 To Buy
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Length: 420 pp (pages)
File Size: 625 KB (KiloByte[s])
Print Length: 309 pp
Publication Date: 080915 (August 9th, 2015)
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc(orporated)
Language: The English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Not Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled
!!! DO NOTE: These Files are now Recorded By DOUBLE-R (Revolution Radio) PROPRIETOR MIKE RINGLEY THE NNIGHTHAWKK at a Higher Bit-Rate, Resulting in a larger, Higher Resolution Audio File Routinely Over One Hundred Megabits (100+Mb). Box will let yourself Listen in their excellent mp3 Player but Downloading maybe an issᵫ of sorts d / t (dᵫ to) Limited Bandwidth Each Month.
Herebe Methodology by which to Alternatively Download the mp3 File that works when all else fails: First; an Older Method of Transferring From The Box as Developed By MISTER JOHNATHAN WARRINGTON (Visit <>) – “THE MAGGOTMAN”:
Open The File Page in Box AND Create a New folder in your Directories. On The File Page in Box, when the File’s Page is Onscreen, do a “Save (Page) As ...” to Save the Page (best to have Created a Destination Folder First to Save that in) to that New Folder ...
Open that Folder on your Drive. When the Saved File is Opened in its Folder, there is the HTML (HyperText Markup Language) File, as well as another Folder. Opening The Other Folder, one finds inside Files to include The mp3 File of APPROXIMATELY One Hundred and Seven Megabits (107 Mb).
It can be Renamed (whatever you want) and moved to your Collection (Saved to someplace else on the Computer System [or wherever]).
Then Delete the now Junk(ed)-Folder. This does get around our Bandwidth Limitations pretty well.
A QUICKER MAGGOTRONIC ADM (Alternative Download Method) in Windows 7 Ultimate Edition:
You don’t need to Create any New Folders in Windows 7 Ultimate E.
Right Mouse Button Click (to Open Options Menu);
Click “Save Page As,” then on the Destination Location: Click Inside the Directory Listing, then Click “Save.”
“For your own Computer, you may not want to have to either
1) Hunt for the File you wanted to Save, or
2) leave a bunch of Junk you don’t want or need laying around in any Directory you are going to Maintain.
So: Create a Folder for the Save and Delete it after you have got your mp3 Saved elsewhere.”
~ THE MA DAME EXECUTRIX-PRODUCER LAURALEE ŠOLŌMŌN (<>), Revolution Radio; Hostess, Late-Friday Night(s) Into Early Saturday Morning(s) on “THE PATHS OF THE GREAT ADVENTURERS’ ROUNDTABLE (Prógramme Description @ <>; Broadcasting Over Senior Studio A with Your Call / SKYPE Participation Into Every Weekend @ 02:00 AM EST & 11:00 PM PST via <>).”
“I AM A REMOTE.: BASED ON A TRUE STORY OF MONARCH MK ULTRA MIND CONTROL (Th MK ULTRA Series. Book 1 [Kindle Edition]),” By THE AUTHORESS C HART @ <…/B…/ref=cm_sw_r_fa_awdo_ipuYvb1JG1CJP>
Based on a Trᵫ Story – The Diary of a Girl born in an Orphanage in London who has undergone Experimental, M K ULTRA, MONARCH Mind Control – and Herein Free Linkage to File-Sharing Copy via Box from Last Saturday’s 072515 (July 25th, 2015) Transmission of REVOLUTION RADIO HOST DOUG DIETRICH’s “SATURDAY NIGHT FIRING LINES” on MP3 Music File / MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group) Layer-3 Audio (Audiofile Format / Extension); wherein The Authoress and MK-Ultra Survivor CJ HART Graciously Gᵫsts with The Most Dangerous Man Either Side of The Pacific as he continᵫs to lead us on Expeditionary Forays into the Covert side of Our World as you once thought we knew it @ <> !
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Kindle Subscribers Read For Free
$9.99 To Buy
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Length: 420 pp (pages)
File Size: 625 KB (KiloByte[s])
Print Length: 309 pp
Publication Date: 080915 (August 9th, 2015)
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc(orporated)
Language: The English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Not Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled
!!! DO NOTE: These Files are now Recorded By DOUBLE-R (Revolution Radio) PROPRIETOR MIKE RINGLEY THE NNIGHTHAWKK at a Higher Bit-Rate, Resulting in a larger, Higher Resolution Audio File Routinely Over One Hundred Megabits (100+Mb). Box will let yourself Listen in their excellent mp3 Player but Downloading maybe an issᵫ of sorts d / t (dᵫ to) Limited Bandwidth Each Month.
Herebe Methodology by which to Alternatively Download the mp3 File that works when all else fails: First; an Older Method of Transferring From The Box as Developed By MISTER JOHNATHAN WARRINGTON (Visit <>) – “THE MAGGOTMAN”:
Open The File Page in Box AND Create a New folder in your Directories. On The File Page in Box, when the File’s Page is Onscreen, do a “Save (Page) As ...” to Save the Page (best to have Created a Destination Folder First to Save that in) to that New Folder ...
Open that Folder on your Drive. When the Saved File is Opened in its Folder, there is the HTML (HyperText Markup Language) File, as well as another Folder. Opening The Other Folder, one finds inside Files to include The mp3 File of APPROXIMATELY One Hundred and Seven Megabits (107 Mb).
It can be Renamed (whatever you want) and moved to your Collection (Saved to someplace else on the Computer System [or wherever]).
Then Delete the now Junk(ed)-Folder. This does get around our Bandwidth Limitations pretty well.
A QUICKER MAGGOTRONIC ADM (Alternative Download Method) in Windows 7 Ultimate Edition:
You don’t need to Create any New Folders in Windows 7 Ultimate E.
Right Mouse Button Click (to Open Options Menu);
Click “Save Page As,” then on the Destination Location: Click Inside the Directory Listing, then Click “Save.”
“For your own Computer, you may not want to have to either
1) Hunt for the File you wanted to Save, or
2) leave a bunch of Junk you don’t want or need laying around in any Directory you are going to Maintain.
So: Create a Folder for the Save and Delete it after you have got your mp3 Saved elsewhere.”
~ THE MA DAME EXECUTRIX-PRODUCER LAURALEE ŠOLŌMŌN (<>), Revolution Radio; Hostess, Late-Friday Night(s) Into Early Saturday Morning(s) on “THE PATHS OF THE GREAT ADVENTURERS’ ROUNDTABLE (Prógramme Description @ <>; Broadcasting Over Senior Studio A with Your Call / SKYPE Participation Into Every Weekend @ 02:00 AM EST & 11:00 PM PST via <>).”